
Old cottage transformed into hobbit-style day center for the elderly

2019/12/03 09:55
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PeoPo推 0

In the community of Gukeng in Yunlin County, there is a cottage which looks like a hobbit-style house from The Lord of the Rings movie. Gukeng Living Room is an old revamped cottage that has been transformed into a day center for the elderly. Located in nondescript alleyways, the day center's vivid and dazzling colors combined with the surrounding puzzle park and Xiao's Tobacco Barn, make people instantly feel as though they've been transported into a fairy tale and give elderly locals a sense of childhood fun.


Nowadays, local seniors look forward to the senior citizen's event each Wednesday, when they get the chance to get out of the house. Thanks to government subsidies, Gukeng Community Development Association continues to work hard to create a better, more comfortable environment for villagers in Gukeng Township and intends to continue expanding its scope long into the future.


老矮平房變身 關懷據點宛如哈比人的家

在雲林縣古坑鄉的古坑社區當中,有著像電影《魔戒》中哈比人的家 ──「古坑客廳」,是由矮房型老宅翻修而成的關懷據點,隱身在不起眼的巷弄當中,凸顯建築物繽紛亮眼的色彩,與周圍的「拼圖公園」、「蕭家菸樓」的設計結合,讓人瞬間彷彿置身童話故事當中,讓老人關懷增添更多童趣。







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