
Ocean Independent Bookstore – Awakening people’s passion for the land

2020/04/06 15:33
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Ocean Independent Bookstore is located near the port of Keelung. The bookstore is themed on Taiwan’s oceanic identity, local culture, and history. The signboard outside reads “Sea to see, to see the city,” expressing the hope that through this bookstore, more people will develop a deeper understanding of the land and water around Taiwan.

“Though Taiwan is obviously a country surrounded by the sea, we still have a very limited understanding of these waters.” Manager of Ocean Independent Bookstore, Chen Hao-hua (陳顥樺), says that if Taiwanese viewed the world from a place connected to the Pacific ocean, their field of vision wouldn’t be limited to merely nearby places in Asia.

Ocean Independent Bookstore is rekindling people's passion for the land and hopes to continue promoting its ideas through reading and activities so that everyone in Keelung gets to know that such a bookstore exists in the city.




海洋獨立書店 喚起對土地的熱愛

海洋獨立書店坐落於基隆港邊,以台灣的海洋意象、本土歷史文化為主題出發, 書店招牌下的「Sea to see, to see the city.」,表達著希望藉由書店,能有更多人對台灣這片土地與海洋有更深層的認識。







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