
Citizen journalists report on the fate of Shuanglian market

2020/08/05 11:23
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Sometimes in life, it takes the initiative of a concerned individual to bring a public issue to the awareness of the general public. With a lack of media attention, many issues simply vanish, never to be seen again. Recently, the Taipei City Government MRT Bureau began planning to reorganize the green space adjacent to Shuanglian MRT Station, where market vendors have been illegally setting up stalls for many years. The mainstream media seldom reports on situations like that taking place at Shuanglian Station; therefore, the citizen journalist known as DOV began raising awareness about the situation to get more people involved.

These vendors have long relied on the market stalls for their livelihoods. If forced to leave, it will have a great impact on their lives. It will also mean that this long-established market full of local flavor and character will be no more. Citizen journalism starts with caring about grassroots issues and local people. Regardless of what happens in the Shuanglian Market situation, hopefully, reporting by citizen journalists will have a meaningful impact on events.




雙連市場去留 公民記者報導關注







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