
CJ climbs Mt. Jade and records the journey

2020/09/02 15:59
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Citizen journalist A-Ben holds fast to the spirit of sharing life through moving reports. At 7:30 am each morning, he uploads his latest CJ reports, which have covered a vast range of topics. He has recently been focusing on a special series of reports that have attracted quite some attention; the topic is on climbing Taiwan’s Mt. Yushan, aka Mt. Jade. Climbing Mt. Jade is a lifetime dream for many people, but to fulfill this dream and record the journey making observations along the way, is no easy feat.

According to statistics from the Ministry of the Interior, with this year’s promotion of the “new disease prevention lifestyle,” the number of people wanting to climb Mt. Jade has increased significantly. Unfortunately, the percentage of lucky people who will get the opportunity to fulfill their dreams is not high. Here at PeoPo, we wish to thank A-Ben for giving everyone a chance to feel the joy and elation of reaching the summit of Mt. Jade.



公民記者登玉山 報導記錄過程點滴








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