
Love and hope in the bustling city

2020/09/02 16:01
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During holidays at the gate of Jian Guo Flower Market underneath Jianguo South Road viaduct in Taipei, you will see excited dogs wagging their tails at you, trying to grab your attention. This is Mama Zhang's New Taipei City New Life Pet Shelter Association, which has been running its "Foster for Free" event for more than ten years. Although 66-year-old Mama Zhang is now in poor health, she still takes meticulous care of every dog. She hopes that taking scrupulous care of the dogs will help find stable and comfortable homes for the animals during their weekly Foster for Free event.


In addition to Mama Zhang, there is also a dedicated team of volunteers. The most surprising thing is that many of the volunteers are elementary school students or junior high school students, and most of them are not from Taipei. The reason they are willing to make the hour-plus car journey to Taipei to volunteer is simple, a deep love for the animals.


讓愛延續 繁華都市中一處充滿愛和希望的園地











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