
Recycling and environmental protection start from clothing

2020/10/08 11:51
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PeoPo推 0

Buy as you like! Shop till your heart is content! Such phrases have become the common language of the world. In an era when cheap clothing is readily available, we are encouraged to simply throw clothes away once we get bored with them. "Anyway, it can be recycled and reused" is the public's attitude towards clothing. However, the recycling rate for clothing in Taiwan is only 1%. To address this, a place called Eco Tano ReCollections located in Taipei's Ximen District is committed to promoting the forgotten concept of "maintenance and repair" of clothing.


Eco Tano ReCollections is focused on teaching and is not engaged in selling things. The boss believes that until customers understand the production process and cycle of clothes at hand, they will always fall into the "buying things" model to solve the problem. Therefore, Eco Tano ReCollections teaches the whole process of recycling clothing and not only the production process. First of all, the teacher leads students to make a painstaking investigation of laundry labels to get to know the materials of their old clothing. After introducing the materials, the teacher talks about the production process and creative recycling, enabling students to better understand the role of sustainable clothing in environmental protection.



再生做環保 從「衣」開始









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