
Dam silt revitalizes Yingge's ceramic industry

2020/12/08 10:59
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Silt has always been a problem faced by reservoirs in Taiwan. Due to the high dredging costs, the problem of silt build-up is difficult to solve, which seriously endangers the life of reservoirs. Lin Jin-de(林金德) is the founder of Dam Mud Pottery(庫泥燒), which converts dam silt into useful ceramic items. The initiative has the potential to solve the environmental issue of silt build-up in reservoirs and is also promoting the transformation and development of the local industry in Yingge.


In addition to ordinary ceramic ware, dam mud can produce a diverse range of other products. Lin Jin-de is the founder of Hong Ying Tao creative development center, which has partnered with industry and universities to conduct one-day workshops to teach the public about using dam mud as a raw material in pottery. Hong Ying Tao hopes to develop more cultural and creative industries through the use of this dam mud.

Although Yingge has a long and rich history of ceramics, due to industrial progress, Taiwan has switched to automatization, and the city faces the problem of industrial decline. The discovery of dam mud provides an opportunity for industrial transformation and a new path for ceramics in Yingge.



水庫淤泥燒陶瓷 復興鶯歌特色產業









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