
After defending their culture for a century, Magang residents refuse to compromise

2021/01/28 17:34
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Located in the easternmost part of Taiwan, Magang Fishing Village (馬崗漁村) is famous for its “sea women” culture and traditional stone house settlements. The job of “sea women” is to scrape seaweed from the wave-cut platform and collect snails and shellfish. But the stone house settlement with its century-old history is perhaps Magang’s most precious cultural asset. Sadly, the early residents who built houses in Magang did not register their ownership of the land and the land in the fishing village was purchased by developers, resulting in the forced relocation of residents from the settlement.


Fortunately, thanks to the efforts of the Residents and Environmental Rights Protection Foundation (居民及環境權保障基金會), in November last year, Stone House No. 11 and No. 12 of Magang were successfully registered as historical buildings. Furthermore, in July last year, the court declared that Magang had won its lawsuit regarding the deliberation procedure, and residents are now attempting to register more stone houses in the settlement.




百年文資保衛戰 馬崗居民不妥協







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