
You Support More Than a Mere 300 Dollar Box of Peaches

2010/05/24 09:56
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After Typhoo Morakot, almost all the job opportunities provided by the government were short-term and none had any long-term potential.  As a result, this year Southtribe farmers from Namaxia Township, Kaohsiung County, have decided to come together and sell produce from the Peach trees remaining after Typhoon Morakot.  Local women regularly drive back and from their village to Kaohsiung city, in a long 6 hour round trip.  They make the long trip transporting peaches box by box to sell in Kaohsiung.  One of the women ‘A-bu’, said everyday at daybreak she makes the journey from her village, not returning before nightfall, and having to negotiate the dangerous mountain road.  She added that on return to her home she is so tired all she can do is sleep.  So this is a call to all fellow countrymen, if you love to eat peaches then please support these hard working individuals who are trying to make an honest living.

You Support More Than a Mere 300 Dollar Box of Peaches (by southtribe, Tainan CJ)
URL: http://www.peopo.org/portal.php?op=viewPost&articleId=56203 


妳支持的,不只是一盒三百元的水蜜桃 (by 台南公民記者 南方部落重建聯盟(southtribe)


八八風災過後,幾乎所有政府提供的工作機會是短期且沒有長期發展性的,因此那瑪夏鄉達卡努瓦村的農民今年特地集結起來,一起促銷風災後倖存的水蜜桃。當地 婦女常常開車往返高雄市區及部落六個鐘頭,將一盒一盒的水蜜桃載到外地賣,一位婦女阿布說,每天她從原鄉到外地,天未亮就出門,夜入黑還要開車走危險的山 路回家,每天都疲累地入睡。原民同胞的呼籲,若您也愛吃喜歡水蜜桃,就請支持在原鄉努力生活的她們。



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