
Protecting habitats to fight the disappearance of Taiwan's waterbirds

2021/05/24 15:26
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PeoPo推 1

Taiwan is rich in bird diversity. Located in the East Asian-Australasian Flyway, hundreds of migratory birds come to rest, replenish energy, spend the winter or reproduce each year. Taiwan New Year Bird Count was formed by the Endemic Species Research Institute and Taiwan Wild Bird Federation. After six years of joint monitoring of waterbirds, it was found that twelve waterbirds have decreased significantly, while the situation on the Yilan Plain and Changhua coastal area is even more severe.


Through education and habitat protection activities, Micang Elementary School in Bali District, New Taipei City has cooperated with The Society of Wilderness to erect a protective fence on the beach at the mouth of the Tamsui River, thereby creating a seasonal waterfowl sanctuary. It reminds the public that vehicles should not be driven onto the beach during the breeding period to avoid accidentally running over young birds or bird eggs. Hopefully, such measures can help protect the next generation of waterbirds and maintain a sound habitat ecology.




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