Fight to Capture the Lizards
Citizens of Sanjiepu in Shuishang Township, Chiayi County are currently engaged in a battle with the non-native Brown Anole lizard, whose breeding speed and numbers have astonished local people and is threatening the existence of the local species of lizard.
The government put a bounty of 20 NTD on the head of each and every Brown Anole Lizard to encourage locals to go out and catch the lizards, turning lizard catching in to a part-time occupation for many Sanjiepu citizens! On the 23rd of June 2010 Chiayi County government set up a trust to hunt down these troublesome lizards. To everyone’s surprise the 500,000 NTD trust was used up in just one morning, with locals notching up 52,000 lizards! However it is clear from the large numbers of Brown Anole lizards still roaming around in Chenggong Village, Shuishang Township that this is a problem that cannot be solved with financial assistance alone.
Fight to Capture the Lizards
台灣南部的嘉義縣水上鄉三界埔的民眾,陷入與蜥蜴大作戰的情況中, 外來種的「沙氏變色蜥」,在三界埔繁殖數量與速度驚人,沙氏變色蜥的入侵瞬間威脅到本土攀木蜥蝪以及豪氏攀蜥的族群生存。政府以每隻20元的價格,鼓勵民眾捕蜥,自此捕捉「沙氏變色蜥」成了村民農閒的副業。2010年6月23日,林務單位委託嘉義縣政府在三界埔蒐購「沙氏變色蜥」,政府原訂50萬的蒐購經費,居然在一個早上就用光,總蒐購量達到5萬2千多隻,雖然如此,水上鄉成功村仍然滿佈沙氏變色蜥,舉頭隨處可見,外來種生物的問題如何解決,顯然不是光靠編列經費就可以達到效果。