
Chia-lan Village Report 37 – The President’s Suite

2010/07/26 14:23
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Does the disaster zone have a president’s suite?  At the beginning of June, PiSiLi Village in Taitung began drawing lots to decide allocations of permanent homes.  However, in order to fit in with a‘ high level senior official’s itinerary’, the formerly fixed completion ceremony time of the third week in July was brought forward to the fourth of July. In order to meet the new completion time, construction teams worked around the clock, helped by local women who provided assistance in laying grass.  On the day of the grand opening, president Ma Ying-jiu took a tour of one of the apartments, which was photographed by the media before leaving.  Up to the night of the 7th of July, when construction workers had a barbeque party, apart from the apartment used for media purposes and visited by president Ma which had a full suite of furniture, every other apartment was still under construction.  The very existence of the‘ president’s suite’, beautifully illustrates the government’s attitude to the whole reconstruction process, placing great importance on external appearances but showing little in the way of genuine sincerity.

Chia-lan Village Report 37 – The President’s Suite (by Ka’aluwan, Taitung CJ)
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/55910  


嘉蘭報告37---總統的套房 (by 台東公民記者 嘉蘭報告(Ka’aluwan)
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/55910 


災區也有「總統套房」?八八水災後,台東富山部落在六月底以抽籤方式進行永久屋分配,但是為了配合「最高長官」的行程,原訂在七月下旬完工的永久屋,提前 到七月四日舉辦落成典禮。為了提前完工,施工團隊日夜趕工,當地婦女也來協助鋪草皮等工作。落成典禮當天,總統馬英九參觀了其中一間房間,事後拍照留念後 隨即離去。七月七日,建築工班舉辦烤肉會,截至當晚,除了落成典禮當天開放給總統與媒體參觀的房間有全套家具外,其他房間仍待後續施工。這間「總統套房」 的存在,充分說明了政府單位在重建過程中重視形式更甚內容的心態。



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