
Xiang Siliao is Nor For Sale

2010/08/02 17:27
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PeoPo推 1

Farmers from Xiang Siliao, the proposed development site of Central Taiwan’s Science Park, have marched to the Presidential Palace to give a full account of the situation after Science Park management announced a new relocation plan which reveals no possibility to preserve Xiang Siliao Village. Farmers who headed to the Presidential Palace were shocked to find out that the government had no knowledge of the case.  According to National Science Council’s data, in this fourth phase of the project, only 3 companies intend to use the area.  This has meant that the amount of land required is not as great as previously thought and the government need not use expropriation laws, however they have come up with another plan to resettle residents – to allow commercial companies to build residential homes in a previously prohibited water conservation zone.  As a result, residents of Xiang Si-liao Village are once again marching to the Presidential Palace in protest, fighting to save their homelands and agricultural livelihood.

Xiang Siliao is Nor For Sale – Presidential Palace Unaware of Situation
Central Taiwan Science Park Reject Preservation Plan(by Civil Media,Taipei CJ )

URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/56548  


相思寮不賣 總統府不知情 中科稱保留方案不可行(by 台北公民記者 公民行動影音紀錄資料庫 Civil Media)
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/56548


中科二林園區預定地的相思寮農民北上總統府陳情,但中科管理局另提出安置農民的替代方案,否決完全保留相思寮的可能。居民前往總統府陳情,總統府卻說完全 不知道這個案子。根據國科的資料,中科四期二林園區只有3家廠商將進駐,用地需求不大,根本不用徵收農宅與農地,但政府卻提出另一個迫遷農民的異地安置方 案,讓開發商在水利署禁建的滯洪地帶上,興建民宅出售。因此相思寮居民將持續北上陳情抗爭,爭取保留家園與農地的活命機會。



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