
Real Life Video Game – Frog Crosses the Road Outside Jingmei MRT Station

2010/08/16 16:45
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PeoPo推 1

Jingmei MRT station’s exit 2 is a place where the traffic problems are numerous.  Being only a short walk away from the night market and with hoards of people passing through, surprisingly the area has no pedestrian crossing signals.  Although there is a zebra crossing, there are no traffic lights, and with taxis often blocking the road crossing, pedestrians have no option but to embark on the perilous journey across the road.  To make matters worse, there is a school and large residential housing area nearby, with many young children and elderly people.  Without traffic signals, you often see passengers putting themselves in grave danger while running for the bus - a danger usually only witnessed in crazy computer games like, ‘Frog Crosses the Road”.

Real Life Video Game – Frog Crosses the Road Outside Jingmei MRT Station (by CJ Bluefly 212)
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/57357


真人版青蛙過街?!景美捷運前上演 ( by 公民記者bluefly212 )
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/57357





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