
228 Peace Memorial Park

2010/08/26 15:58
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PeoPo推 5

In Ximen, in HengYang road, many locals enjoy to be surrounded by nature. There is a public park called 223 Peace Memorial Park known for its historical site of the 228 Memorial Museum. ( The park was renamed Taipei New Park in 1945 .)

Since the park has reconstructed the pond that was dried out of water , the pond has attracted many people to visit the park for its transformed beauty .In the pond are many wildlife attractions for the public to view , such as the Mallard ducks , turtles ,and Koi fish as well .

Many elderly adults also choose to come to the park relieve stress by meditating in the peaceful environment .Even foreigners  take their families and loved ones to visit the park for outdoor activities for quality family time .




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