
Our Aging – PeoPo’s annual call for entries open

2022/07/19 15:55
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PeoPo's annual call for entries has been open since mid-March, but the pandemic has affected the frequency of citizen journalists getting out to shoot videos in the community, and many seniors' organizations have lessened opportunities for visitors to shoot video reports. Despite this, many citizen journalists have still completed their Our Aging video report submission.


It is clear from the many outstanding submissions that this year's theme is meaningful to everyone, providing a chance for people to demonstrate their concerns and reflect upon different aspects of aging in Taiwan. We want to remind everyone that to participate in our call for entries, you must first go to the theme page to download the event's graphic card and place it 3-5 seconds before the report. In addition, please add the tag "Our Aging" in the tag column of the main post. We sincerely hope this year's call for entries theme will encourage many more citizen journalists to capture stories about our seniors through the lens and help demonstrate citizen journalism's social care power.




PeoPo年度徵案活動 《咱的老年》募集中








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