
A Turning Point For Aboriginal People

2010/10/04 11:20
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Last year, Dawu Township in Taitung County suffered greatly at the hands of Typhoon Morakot.  This August things were looking far more promising however, as villagers from Daniao tribal village gathered together and celebrated a bumper millet harvest festival.  In their tribal folklore millet was a grain bestowed on the people by the gods, and an important foodstuff in their diet. However times have changed and with numerous kinds of foods available nowadays fewer and fewer villagers are willing to grow millet. Millet retains a special place in the hearts of indigenous people representing their respect and reverence for the natural world. It goes further than this however, helping to keep alive the spirit of community and cooperation so important to tribal life and ensuring villagers never forget the spirit of sharing and mutual help. It seems fitting therefore that if villagers wish to rekindle the flame and power of their culture they should once again cultivate Millet, the very root and source of aboriginal life.

A Turning Point For Aboriginal People – Rebuilding the Millet Culture (by CJ NCCU empowering)
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/60366


部落動力新契機-重建小米文化 (公民記者 政在發聲報導)
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/60366


曾經受到八八風災重創的台東縣大武鄉大鳥部落,在八月舉辦小米收穫祭,族人們團聚在一起,慶祝小米豐收。族人認為,小米是神賜的食物,過去是相當重要的糧 食,但是隨著時代改變,現在食物種類多,越來越少族人栽種小米。不過小米在原住民文化中,仍舊包含著對自然萬物的感恩,也代表著族人互相合作耕種、收成一 同分享,不忘本與互相扶持的精神。小米是原民部落的根源,要如何找回部落動力,可以從重新種植小米開始。



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