
Tree After Tree Felled!

2010/10/20 10:57
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PeoPo推 0

Shidiao Park is an important urban green area and recreation area for elderly citizens in Banqiao, Taipei County.  However with a free invitation to build Jiangcui Local Police Office by Banchiau City Administration, in the past few days the park has been fenced off in preparation to move the trees to another location and begin the building project.  Moving these old trees that have taken countless years to grow into their present form, seems cruel and heartless, and will most probably result in their death. In addition, if after these old trees are gone it is decided to grow new ones it will take years for them to grow into their present magnificent grandeur.  A citizen journalist on the scene raised awareness to the fact that no technical drawings had been made available to the public and that the building notice had been quietly taken away, leaving citizens with no way to ascertain the size of this building project and the extent to which trees in the park would be cut.  The project has whipped up quite a storm in the community and left a very sour taste in the mouth of local residents.

Signature After Signature! (Shidiao Park)( by CJ dino.utopia)
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/61380

Tree After Tree Felled! (Shidiao Park)(by CJ dino.utopia)
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/61134


連署!連署!連署!(石雕公園) (公民記者 dino.utopia 報導)
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/61380


砍樹!砍樹!砍樹!(石雕公園) (公民記者 dino.utopia 報導)
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/61134





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