
Dawu Tribe’s Shell Powder Month

2010/10/20 11:00
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In traditional Dawu Tribe culture, shell ash is a necessity for everyday life. Each year in September and October of the lunar calendar the people of the tribe begin to produce their much prized shell ash that has a number of very important uses. Firstly, when guests arrive in ones home, especially on important celebrations, it is customary for the host to treat the guest to eat beetle nut, which will have shell ash inside.  Secondly, colored murals commonly seen on the sides of indigenous people’s boats usually consist of three main colors; red, white and black, the white being made from shell ash. Thirdly, the shell ash is a traditional natural remedy for skin ailments. Last but not least, in the past when someone was having nightmares the village elder would take a handful of shell ash and throw it in four directions whilst reciting some mantras to ward off the evil spirits.

Dawu Tribe’s Shell Powder Month (by CJ sipnadan)
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/61958



達悟族Manmek貝灰製作月(公民記者 sipnadan  報導)
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/61958


貝灰在雅美(達悟)族的傳統中,是很重要的生活必需品。每到蘭嶼傳統夜曆kaneman(約農曆九至十月)就會開始製做貝灰,有幾個重要的意含:一、招待 客人:當客人到家中來做客時,甚至在重要慶典上,主人會邀請客人吃檳榔,而檳榔裡一定會放貝灰一起食用。二、船的塗料:蘭嶼有名的拼板舟所使用的顏色有 紅、白、黑三種,其中白色顏料就是取自貝灰的顏色。三、治瘡:早期族人會把貝灰塗抹在發炎紅腫的傷口上,使傷口更快好。四、若晚上不小心做噩夢時,早期的 耆老會拿一把貝灰灑向四處,口中唸出不好的東西遠離不要靠進之類的話。



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