
Going Back to My Homeland to Find Out Who I Am

2010/11/09 10:40
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America has the highest adoption rate for children of any nation around the world. In 2004, they adopted close to 23,000 children from other countries and in the last ten years around 1500 children born in Taiwan have been adopted and made the journey to America - Jiang Ruo-hua from Taiwan is one such child. Jiang Ruo-hua grew up in an American family and received a Western education, and as such is just like any other American child. This year on summer vacation Jiang Ruo-hua journeyed back to her homeland for the first time in all of her twenty-one years. Studying Chinese as a second language is no easy feat for Ruo-hua, however she believes understanding the language is a wonderful opportunity to reawaken her Chinese heritage and is determined to face this challenge head on and not to give up.

Going Back to My Homeland to Find Out Who I Am (By CJ Joyu)



遇見家鄉 尋找我是誰 (公民記者 Joyu報導)



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