
Taipower Builds Hydroelectric Power Plant in Wanli River

2010/11/18 09:45
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Taipower’s plan to build a hyrdoelectric power plant in Wanrong Township, Hualian County has been met by fierce opposition from many residents of Wangrong Township including Wanrong Village and Mingli Village who fear this development will turn into another Xiaolin disaster.  In September, Taipower came to Wanrong to hold a hearing regarding this proposed development. 

At the hearing, residents raised many questions expressing their anxiety in relation to landslides, environmental destruction and indeed the safety measures that locals feel are quite simply inadequate. Floodwater from the villages of Wangrong and Mingli pose serious dangers. Chief of Mingli Village expressed his dissatisfaction with the hearing, where Taipower mainly used questions from locals to explain the project, explanations that were anything but acceptable and unable to win the trust of locals. 

Taipower have said that although the villages of Wangrong and Mingli are vehemently opposed to this development, once the Environmental Impact Assessment is completed the development will go ahead as planned. They will of course continue to communicate with local residents to solve any issues that are raised.

Taipower Builds Hydroelectric Power Plant in Wanli River (by CJ National Dong Hwa University Media Dept.)



台灣電力公司在萬里溪建立水力發電廠 (公民記者 東華語傳系 報導)






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