
Jhuoshuei River Raises a Storm

2010/11/23 14:10
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Recently, Jhuoshei River has been the site of another storm: this time despite having permits, melon farmers are determined to grow watermelon on the beach. Cultivation of the area surrounding the Jhuoshei River is prohibited and both the Water Resources Agency and Environmental Protection Administration are resolute that permits should not be given for cultivation of the area. The Control Yuan have also become involved in the dispute. At the meeting the melon farmer’s representative, to everyone’s surprise, released that the farmers intend to begin planting this year and asked for The Fourth River Management Bureau to issue permits.

Standing before Yunlin Environmental Protection Agency, the antagonism between both sides was extremely evident – the Fourth River Management Bureau to the surprise of everyone stayed silent. The melon farmer’s representative called on the environmental groups present to find a way to solve this ‘sandstorm’. The CJ who was present to record the meeting reiterated these wise words and urged everyone to try to bring about a solution to this complicated issue.

Jhuoshuei River Raises a Storm (by CJ Changhua Environmental Protection Alliance)



2010/11/15濁水溪揚塵的次要元凶 (公民記者 彰化縣環境保護聯盟 報導)



水利署與環保署為解決濁水溪揚塵,都要求不准再核發許可在濁水溪河道種植作物, 監察院也介入調查。但是與會的瓜農代表,居然要今年新生灘地要求第四河川局同意核發許可。在雲林縣環境保護聯盟廖冠貿的堅持下,兩派立場明顯對立,但是第四河川局卻不敢吭聲,瓜農代表居然要求環保團體,調查並解決大陸的沙塵暴,公民記者拍攝會議現場紀錄,呼籲大家重視此問題。




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