
PeoPo Citizen Journalism Video Workshop – Directors Passing on Their Filming Know-How

2010/11/29 14:18
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PeoPo Citizen Journalism Video Workshop – Directors Passing on Their Filming Know-How

No matter how good something is it can always be better. With this spirit, PeoPo Citizen Journalism is stepping forward once more into its fourth year, putting everything into improving the service still further and with the strong belief that every CJ is a seed waiting to sprout forth. In May and November of this year, PeoPo divided itself into two groups to visit the cities of Kaohsiung and Taipei, to hold the two-day Citizen Journalism Workshop. Well-known directors were invited to lead Citizen Journalist friends in the filming of a number of topical issues.
To begin this year’s Citizen Journalism Video Workshop, news presenter Wang Qing-ling introduced some key concepts of Citizen Journalism including correct form and style as well as what indeed makes an exceptional CJ report to the citizen journalists present. She also gave the CJ’s many other extremely useful pieces of professional advice. In turn, well-known director Lin Wen-long shared his ideas surrounding storyboards and filming, and put many difficult filming techniques into everyday language for all to understand increasing the ‘watchability’ factor of CJ reports, as well as raising the competence of CJ’s tenfold.
The next part of the Citizen Journalism Video Workshop, taking CJ’s out to get real hands-on experience and putting into practice what they’d just learned, was the real core of the syllabus. The CJ’s were divided into groups and five well-known directors led them to a number of prearranged spots of interest or scenes of recent happening to begin shooting. With the filming over everyone went back to immediately begin editing the footage. The next day was for examining the work with a lot of constructive criticism and sharing of ideas.
At the sharing meeting, with discussion and interaction at the core, every team displayed marked improvements in both filming and editing, and one by one, countless outstanding pieces of work appeared. Many CJ’s commented on how in the past they’d had a very limited view on things, merely filming the situation in question from one angle.  However after the workshop training and the director’s careful instruction they felt they had benefitted greatly, with many more tools in their bag of skills, from sheer filming techniques to ideas on developing storylines and much more.
One good example was in Taipei, where CJ Qingqing filmed a great deal of material in relation to Taipei’s recreation culture, using various techniques and angles to capture the world of Taipei’s MRT culture in the report ‘ Be careful at the crossroads’ which found its way onto ‘PeoPo Daily News’. In addition to this success story there is also CJ Hehe, who filmed, edited and immediately posted onto the PeoPo platform the problems with public toilets at the Taipei International Flower Exposition, raising a storm of public interest.
The Citizen Journalism Video Workshop has not only raised the standards, skills and competency of CJ’s but is also a great opportunity for CJ’s to come together and share. It is hoped that through these activities, Citizen Journalism in Taiwan will continue to push forward, and strive to lead the world in the Citizen Journalism movement.



PeoPo公民新聞影音工作坊  導演傳授拍攝大補帖
好還要更好,PeoPo公民新聞平台邁向第四年發展,公民新聞也要質量並進,每位公民記者朋友都是在地的種子。2010年5月與11月,PeoPo公民新 聞平台分別在高雄與台北兩地,各舉辦為期兩天的公民新聞影音工作坊活動,邀請知名導演擔任監製,邀請公民記者朋友,分組外拍、發掘議題。





例如在台北場,以往拍攝較多休閒文化新聞的公民記者卿卿,就練習用不同面向來看捷運站四周的景物呈現,之後卿卿的報導「十字路口 請小心啊」具公共議題性,也登上公民新聞報節目;而公民記者hehe,也在花博拍攝現場發現當地公廁設施問題,馬上拍攝剪接上傳peopo平台,引起眾多 迴響。




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