
The beauty and sorrow of Fanglan old house

2011/07/19 16:25
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One day while walking along Keelong Road with all the racket and fumes from passing motorcycles I turned into a small alleyway and was amazed to find a small piece of paradise. Fanglan old house is an important historical site, which sits at the foot of Toad Mountain, Fanglan Mountian and Zhongbu Mountain on Sec. 3 of Keelong Rd. in Daan District. It was built in 1806 by the wealthy entrepreneurial immigrant Chen Zhen-shi from Anxi County, Quanzhou Perfecture in Fujian Province China. In 1983 Fanglan old house became a school site and in 1999 it was designated a site of important historical significance.

The old house is currently maintained and managed by National Taiwan University (NTU), but due to financial pressure the school has yet to find the means for urgent renovation and repairs. This year NTU established the ‘Architectural Heritage Group’, and set aside a budget of five million NTD. Unfortunately this budget is not particularly targeted at Fanglan old house and the figure of five million is the total amount that has been set aside for all restoration work. Fenced off from the public, Fanglan old house may have to wait some time yet before it can be restored to its former glory.  

The beauty and sorrow of Fanglan old house 

URL:  http://www.peopo.org/news/80381


芳蘭大厝的美麗與哀愁 ( Tzu )


走在基隆路上,汽機車往來頻繁,喧囂不絕於耳,轉個彎走進一條小巷,赫然發現一處世外桃源。位於台北市大安區基隆路三段巷弄內的芳蘭大厝,是臺北市市定古 蹟,坐落在蟾蜍山、芳蘭山與中埔山山腳下,為福建泉州安溪移民陳振師經商致富後於西元一八0六年所建。芳蘭大厝於民國72年公告為學校用地,88年定為古 蹟,目前由臺灣大學管理維護,由於年代悠久,芳蘭大厝亟須修繕,但台大卻因財務壓力,遲遲未有進展。台大已於今年成立「古蹟維護專案小組」,提撥五百萬元 做為修繕經費,但仍未對芳蘭大厝做出具體全盤性規劃。被鐵絲網圍繞的芳蘭大厝要重拾往日風光,恐怕還要等上好一陣子。





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