
Resisting CTSP’s water-jacking

2011/08/15 17:35
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PeoPo推 1

Changhua County(彰化縣) farmers are indignant over plans by Central Taiwan Science Park (CTSP)(中科) to seize large amounts of water in what they believe amounts to the government’s destruction of Taiwan’s agricultural industry. In addition to their demands for the immediate suspension of building work at the fourth phase of the science park, activities to publicize the plight of farmers in the area and show unity for issues regarding the safeguarding of water sources have been springing up all over. The “Save our water” protest, which was held beside the main Cizaipijun(莿仔埤圳) aqueduct in Xizhou Township(溪州), attracted over one thousand concerned farmers who vehemently voiced out their determination to protect the water sources. The plan is to divert 80,000 tonnes of water from the main Cizaipijun aqueduct to the fourth phase of CTSP in Erlin Township(二林). With water in Cizaipijun already insufficient to meet agricultural needs, the plan has enraged local farmers and farmers’ rights activists, who have formed the Alliance Against Water-Jacking by the CTSP(反中科搶水自救會). The alliance has continually asked the government to give a full account of the situation regarding the issue, however they have as yet failed to get any kind of acceptable response.

The Council of Agriculture(農委會) and Changhua Irrigation Association(彰化農田水利會)have tried to address farmer’s fears by insisting that the quantity of water earmarked for diversion to CTSP is relatively small and will in no way affect agricultural irrigation water supply to farmers. Farmers argue that since the construction of Chi-Chi Weir(集集攔河堰) in order to supply water to No. 6 Naphtha Cracker Project(六輕), irrigation water supply has been rationed to four out of every 10 days. Facing these kinds of water restrictions, many farmers have been forced to spend their own hard-earned money on digging groundwater wells, which can cost anything up to 10,000 USD, to make up for water “stolen away” for industrial use. Citizens and organizations concerned over the agricultural water issue are together flocking towards Changhua’s Xizhou to fight for the protection of farmer’s water sources with the intention of safeguarding Taiwan’s breadbasket.


Farmers stand up – Opposing CTSP’s destruction of water resources (by CJ rubyrose)


The death of Zhuo Shui River - Resisting CTSP’s water-jacking



反中科搶水行動 報導彙整

八七農民站出來 反中科護水源 ( rubyrose )

濁水溪出代誌 反中科搶水護水行動 ( 公民行動影音紀錄資料庫 )


彰化縣農民反對中科四期二林園區搶農業用水,抗議政府要滅農,要求中科四期立即停工外,八月七日在彰化縣溪州鄉莿仔埤圳源頭舉行「守護水圳」行動,有近千位的農民參加,強烈表達保護水圳的決心。彰化南部地區重要灌溉水源莿仔埤圳,將調度每日八萬噸的農業用水給中科四期使用。莿仔埤圳已經不足的農業用水,竟要調度給中科四期使用,引發莿仔埤圳沿線農民群起反彈,組成反中科搶水自救會,多次北上陳情,但都未獲官方正面回應。農委會與彰化農田水利會面對農民缺水的憂慮,仍堅稱中科四期調度農業 用水占彰化整體農業用水比例很低,不會影響農民灌溉用水。但農民表示自從六輕來了,集集攔河堰興建之後,水就變成供四休六,農作物難以承受這樣缺水的灌溉,農民只好花錢去打地下水井,以補充被工業搶走的農業用水。挖地下水井的費用從十萬到三十萬不等。來自全國各地關心農業用水議題的公民及團體,一同搭車前往彰化溪州,相挺農民護水,保障全民的糧食安全。




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