
How much longer must we crawl before President Ma hears our message?

2011/10/25 10:29
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PeoPo推 0

Recently, hundreds of animal right’s activists painstakingly crawled along Ketagalan Avenue, the main street leading to the Office of the President, to bring attention towards the plight of Taiwan’s animals. Activists have accumulated over 10,000 contributions to a ‘postcard petition’, which demands the setting up of an Animal Right’s Department to appropriately deal with animal right’s issues.  The ‘postcard petition’ will be delivered to the Office of the President in the hope that the president will place proper importance on the animal protection system.

The vast majority of Taiwan’s stray cats and dogs have come about after being abandoned by their owners. According to current policy for dealing with such animals, in only a short time after being caught by hygiene teams, failure to be fostered or claimed by the owners means that the animals cannot escape a fate of death.    According to independent statistics, over the last eight years the government has culled over one million strays. Animal right’s activists expressed their hopes that through the establishment of a full-time animal right’s department, and the introduction of chip implants on all pets, owners will be made to take full responsibility, from purchasing and raising the animals – and if need be, all the way to their subsequent capture and culling.

How much longer must we crawl before President Ma hears our message?



「還要我們爬多久 苦爬送信給馬總統」記者會








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