
Qimei District College brings art back into the community

2012/02/06 17:55
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PeoPo推 1

With the aim of using colored wall murals to brighten up the local area, Liugui District Development Association in Kaohsiung City opened up oil painting classes at Qimei District College. Through local media collaboration the development association launched the classes to allow citizens to give back to the local community. At first, the oil painting students were unfamiliar with their new painting medium, as most of the students had never painted outside on walls before. However, everyone quickly settled into the job and with the concerted efforts of the students over one hundred meters of wall were soon painted with murals clearly depicting the everyday life images of the Pingpu Tribe - everyone involved was visibly over the moon with joy at the finished work. The students expressed that helping to beautify the local area and fuse art with the local community had given them a great sense of achievement and contained a deep sense of meaning.

Qimei District College brings art back into the community (by CJ bay)




【旗美社大油畫班】走!讓我們把藝術帶進社區 ( 許小蓓 )

高雄六龜社區發展協會希望用彩繪牆壁來美化環境,在旗美社大及重建站的媒合之下,開啟了社大油畫班回饋社區的契機,學員第一次參與使用油漆畫壁感覺十分新 鮮,因為大部分人從未嘗試過在戶外彩繪牆壁。一天過後,上百公尺繪製的牆面,在學員同心協力下,一幅幅的平埔族意象,鮮明而真實的浮現在牆面上,在給圍牆 添上新裝後,大家心情都是愉悅的,幫六龜社區美化了門面,把藝術與生活融合,既有成就感又意義非凡。




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