
900 days after disaster Tsou Tribe march on city to give full account

2012/02/13 14:31
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Over 900 days after the Typhoon Morakot Disaster, many households from the Chiayi Laiji Village have yet to be rehoused, forcing members of the Tsou Tribe to come and petition their case in Taipei. Tsou tribespeople have already decided on the area of land they wish to move to – site 152. However, Chiayi County Government is still in the initial stages of a feasibility assessment. After the disaster, Laiji Village became classified as a ‘high-risk area’ and as Alishan is without disaster prevention facilities, according to law, the people must be evacuated with the approach of serious typhoons. This means that as rain lashes down in the middle of the night the 300 or so tribespeople are often forced from their beds, old looking after the young, loaded onto buses and driven a half hour to the nearest army barracks to see out the typhoon. “With constant evacuations it’s a miracle our people haven’t gone crazy…just how many of our women are at their wits’ end and starting to require sleeping pills to get a good night’s sleep?” sighed Laiji Village elder Chen Youfu.

Three years ago Chiayi County Government held dozens of project meetings and review meetings that used groundless factors to block progress – it wasn’t until February of this year that these factors were eliminated and the process moved along to the water conservation stage. The painstakingly slow progress has directly led to five large-scale evacuations in Laiji Village over the past three years. Laiji Self-Help Association felt no alternative but to march towards the Control Yuan armed with a list of areas that they believe Chiayi County Government has broken the law in. Their first appeal is for the Control Yuan to ascertain whether Chiayi County Government has violated the law in the process, correct the mistakes and quickly find suitable dwellings for the disaster victims. The second demand is to replace Soil and Water Conservation board member Mr. Duan Jinhao of National Chung Hsing University who Laiji Self-Help Group believe is prejudiced over site 152 and biased with regards to his verification of the disaster region.


900 days after disaster Tsou Tribe march on city to give full account (by CJ CU8060)






災後九百天,鄒人進京陳情 影音 ( 公義使者 ) 

八八水災災後九百多天,嘉義來吉部落部份受災戶仍未獲得安置,鄒族民眾上台北陳情。鄒族同胞決意要遷居的地點──152林班地,嘉義縣政府至今還在初期可 行性評估的水保審查階段。災後,來吉部落被列為「安全堪虞」區域,由於阿里山鄉沒有就地避災設施,依據災害防治法的規定,每逢汛期颱風,要強制執行避災工 作,三百多名部落族人在三更半夜滂沱大雨中從床上被拉起,攜老扶幼連滾帶爬,大包小包狼狽不堪的被攆上車,撤到兩個半小時車程的中庄營區及朴子配天宮。來 吉村長陳有福感慨道:「一天到晚被撤離,沒有精神分裂已經不簡單了。多少婦女心神不安,靠安眠藥入睡。」




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