Football crazy French student establishes competitive football league
Football is the most widely played sport in the world and French student Yang Fei-huan, who studies in Tainan, has worked hard to bring this footballing craze into Taiwan. With the aim of giving everybody more opportunities to play their beloved football, Yang Fei-huan got on-line and appealed to all football lovers in Tainan to come together and start the Tainan Football League.
Nothing is ever easy in the beginning, and Yang Fei-huan experienced many communication problems when he started. Fortunately, however, he never gave up, and through a lot of hard work he has managed to establish regular weekly matches at Tainan City Stadium, which attract a great number of both participants and spectators. Yang Fei-huan and other like-minded football lovers are all doing their utmost to spread their love of football, with a wish that the game will go from strength to strength in Taiwan.
PeoPo 公民新聞
Football crazy French student establishes competitive football league
法國留學生瘋足球 在台辦聯賽 ( 長榮大傳系 )
足球是全世界運動人口最多的體育活動,有一位在台南讀書的法國留學生楊飛幻,就努力把足球風潮帶進台灣。楊飛幻在網路上號召台南許多喜愛踢足球的朋友,開 創了台南足球聯賽,讓大家有更多踢球的機會,每周末他們在台南市立足球場都有例行賽事,吸引許多民眾參加。不過,凡事起頭難,楊飛幻一開始也遇到許多溝通 上的問題。從零開始,到現在已經有規模的足球聯賽制度,楊飛幻跟愛好足球的朋友大力推廣,希望讓台灣足球風氣愈來愈興盛。