
Another great frog crossing – Erection of frog warning signs

2012/03/20 14:09
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The Rana sauteri frog spends most of its time in the forest understory, but in order to give birth to the next generation, every October in Xinzhu’s low mountainous areas, it must find its way to sandy shallows in gentle clear streams to spawn. However, ever since the opening of mountain roads, together with the towering cement barriers built along the banks of the streams, the way home for these Rana sauteri frogs has become fraught with difficulty. With the added danger of vehicles traveling back and forth along these mountain roads, the deceased souls of many of these little frogs wander the mountains.

After ecological volunteer groups became aware of their migratory crisis in October of 2008, they set up a frog protection initiative, where the Dashan area was divided into a number of areas. Every October, as dusk falls, the volunteers take turns to patiently seek out frog silhouettes along the way and carefully escort them to safety. In 2010, Jingjing, a newly graduated student from elementary school, used the summer vacation to draw a storybook that highlighted the plight of the Rana sauteri frogs. The school storyteller took the book to local schools and various groups to spread the Rana sauteri frog story, a move that slowly built strength in the movement. 

In 2011, The Society of Wilderness and Charng Jinn Digital Publishers collaborated to produce the e-book, “Jump Froggy!”( 跳吧,梭德), which influenced the media to put our several successive reports on protecting frogs. These reports, further highlighted the frogs’ plight, and caught the attention of many ecological specialists who offered solutions to the frog crisis. As a result of everyone’s hard work, in 2011, some sections of the riverbank were improved, and this year saw the introduction of frog warning signs. These results have been incredibly gratifying for everyone involved, but there is still a long way to go if this frog crisis is to be truly solved. It is hoped that this year, more people will get involved in voicing out for the rights of our little green friends, and help them to carve out a safe way home.


Another great frog crossing – Erection of frog warning signs (by CJ tlhsusow)




青蛙又要過馬路05-豎立青蛙優先標誌牌 ( 海茄苳 )( tlhsusow)


梭德氏赤蛙平常生活在森林底層, 新竹低海拔山區每年十月,牠們必須遷徙到附近乾淨溪流,在平緩的淺水灘中產卵,好繁衍牠們的下一代,然而,自從山區道路沿著溪流闢建,道路邊又築起高高的 水泥護欄,梭德回家的路 就變得困難重重了,再加上來往穿梭行駛的車子, 讓梭德一不小心就成了車下亡魂。

荒野蛙調志工於2008年10月發現梭德遷徙的危機之後,在2009年開始發起護蛙行動,將大山背護蛙地帶分成幾個區域,每年10月間的傍晚志工輪流在各 區沿路耐心尋找青蛙的身影,將青蛙們護送到安全的區域。2010年,剛從小學畢業的晶晶同學,利用暑假期間為梭德畫了一本繪本,故事媽媽拿著繪本到學校, 到社團,分享梭德的故事,影響力逐漸擴大。2011年,荒野保護協會更與長晉出版社合作出版了”跳吧,梭德”繪本的電子書,媒體也陸續推出護蛙的專題報 導,生態專家更主動前來提供解決方案。因為大家的努力,2011年部分路段的護欄獲得改善,並在今( 2012)年豎立了青蛙優先的告示牌,這樣的結果令人感到欣慰,然而,還有許多的危機仍然沒有解決,新的一年希望我們有更多的民眾願意一起來為青蛙發聲, 幫助牠們安全回家。




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