
On to Korea: No Nukes Asia Forum in Korea

2012/03/26 16:50
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Recently there has been a number of meetings concerning the nuclear industry and safety, and at present a number are being convened in Seoul, Korea; The 18th Pacific Basin Nuclear Conferences (PBNCs) from March 18-23, The Nuclear Industry Summit from March 23-24, and Seoul Nuclear Security Summit from March 26-27. For a number of years, countries all over Asia have taken turns hosting the No Nukes Asia Forum. The Taiwan Environmental Protection Union has already hosted the forum a number of times and this year it will be the turn of South Korea’s Action for Energy Justice. The first day’s activities began in downtown Seoul, in front of the Sejong Center, bringing together grassroots movements to deliver their anti-nuclear message.

An international press conference was organized where representatives from around the world gave anti-nuclear speeches. There was an extremely heavy police presence, with police outnumbering activists. Following on, was a march to Gangwon-do, which in 1990 was scheduled to have a nuclear power plant built, but which was cancelled due to anti-nuclear protests. Recently, however, the plan has once more been given the go-ahead, and once more has been met with strong opposition.

This time a dozen or so local church clergy have got involved using the church’s influence to spearhead the anti-nuclear movement – a move that has greatly impressed everyone involved. Although the Taiwanese representatives had some items confiscated they nevertheless stepped onto the stage, banners in hand, and had the opportunity to take in the atmosphere from the anti-nuclear demonstration.

PeoPo 公民新聞


On to Korea: No Nukes Asia Forum in Korea (by Juju Wang)



(以下為中文對照)前進韓國:非核亞洲論壇在韓國 ( Juju Wang ) 


由於最近幾個與核電工業與安全有關的世界級會議,正在韓國首爾召開,3月18-23 日太平洋區核能研討會(釜山)、3月23日核能工業高峰會(首爾)、3月26-27日的首爾核能安全高峰會。非核亞洲論壇已輪流在各國舉辦多年,台灣也多次由台灣環保聯盟主辦,今年由韓國能源正義行動組織承辦,首日活動即在市中心的世宗會館前結合在地的民間團體表達反核訴求,並舉辦國際記者會,宣佈反核週的開始,各國代表輪番發言。旁邊待命的警察比參加者多。接著驅車前往江原道的三陟市遊行,該市1990年曾是核電預定地,後來被反對而取消,最近又成新預定地,反對再起,當地教堂的神職人員打頭陣,並以教堂名義公開反核,讓人印象深刻。台灣代表雖然有些東西被沒收,仍然粉墨登場,包括一起製做布條,體會了一次地方都市的反核遊行。




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