
Come to Luliao Village for a completely different kind of Valentine’s Day

2012/04/02 16:20
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PeoPo推 0

Have you heard the legendary love story of the Stone God(石爺) and Stone Goddess (石娘)? The story originates from two giant rocks in Luliao Keng River(鹿寮坑溪) in Hsinchu(新竹) which local citizens began worshipping. According to legend, the Stone God travels in the rain of night, and in the early morning arrives back at the river to snuggle up beside the Stone Goddess. However, some years ago Typhoon Nari washed the Stone Goddess ten meters downstream. Luliao Keng Villagers got together and sought permission from the Gods to move the Stone God and Goddess to beside the community activity center where they could oversee village weddings. From that day on, Luliao celebrates a special kind of Valentines Day.


The activity takes around six months of planning and on the day, there are a variety of live performances and traditional Hakka cuisine on offer, as well as the highlight of the day – the unveiling of the Stone God and Goddess, the new cultural image of the village. Another exciting activity is the Wulong Elementary School(五龍國小) straw dragon performance. Coming down to Luliao Village you will not only have an opportunity to experience Hakka culture, but also enjoy the wonderfully pristine environment in what will be Taiwan’s first environmental trust area, Nature Valley(自然谷). In the future, the area is set to become an important platform for the development of ecological education and Hakka culture.

PeoPo 公民新聞

Come to Luliao Village for a completely different kind of Valentine’s Day





來鹿寮坑過一個不一樣的情人節 ( 台灣孔明車 ) 






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