
PeoPo invites you to ‘Your Shoot’ Kicking off at HsinZhu’s Green Market

2012/05/22 09:55
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PeoPo推 1

The summer is upon us once again and this year PeoPo’s Citizen Journalism Platform has put together a series of activities, centered around our main activity ‘Your Shoot’. In collaboration with local NPOs and NGOs we are inviting all citizen journalists to congregate at our various events where they can unearth new topical stories and record all the happenings of these events. The opening activity took place at National Hsing Hwa University’s Green Market, where we saw the participation of around thirty citizen journalists as well as various local groups. Hsing Hwa University’s Green Market promotes local farming produce in addition to building strength in the small-scale local farmers and the green awareness movement at large. On the first and third Saturday of each month, the market attracts large numbers of local people and is always a much awaited day out for the whole family. For the last two years the Green Market has brought together a number of stallholders who all actively support low-carbon green lifestyles. The market not only gives locals access to wonderfully fresh greens, but also gives them the opportunity to meet farmers face to face, and building lasting relationships. Citizen journalists could be seen with cameras in hand, digging up interesting stories throughout the day, making it extremely meaningful for all concerned.

Closely following, in the middle of June, PeoPo will be on the move once more, this time taking the fun to Wanbao Watermelon Festival in Miaoli County. We hope to see an equally large number of citizen journalists coming along, where together we can document the local stories that matter from around Taiwan.

PeoPo 公民新聞

PeoPo invites you to ‘Your Shoot’Kicking off at HsinZhu’s Green Market
For further info please go to: http://www.peopo.org/events/meets2012/




PeoPo邀你「踹拍、Try拍」 新竹清大綠市集開跑

時序進入夏日,今年PeoPo公民新聞平台也開始舉辦一連串全省各地的公民新聞推廣活動,今年主軸為「踹拍、Try拍」,與各地區NPO、NGO組織合 作,邀請公民記者到各大活動現場找議題、用鏡頭記錄活動與其中的故事。首場活動在清華大學竹蜻蜓綠市集舉辦,現場共有近三十位公民記者與當地組織團體的朋 友共同參噢。清華大學竹蜻蜓綠市集是為了推廣在地農產品、培力在地小農而舉辦的綠色環保市集,每月的第一、三個禮拜六舉辦,吸引許多民眾攜家帶眷來參與。 綠市集已經為期兩年多,堅持低碳、友善環境理念的在地農民們用心擺攤,不但讓民眾獲得最天然的蔬果農產品,也能和農夫直接面對面接觸。而參加活動的公民記 者朋友們,各個拿著自己的攝影器材,報導挖掘綠市集裡的議題故事,大家都收獲滿滿。





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