
Yuching Mango Icehouse

2012/08/08 11:07
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PeoPo推 1

The most wonderful thing about midsummer is the abundance of sweat and fragrant iced mango. With its incredible abundance of delicious mangos, Yujing Dist., in Tainan City is known as ‘The Home of Mango’. It is a place where traditional farming etiquette and other areas of farming life still prevail. In recent years, the Mango Festival has been actively promoted in the area, hence the launch of "Yuching Mango Ice House". Marketing head for Tainan District Farmers' Association, Lin Shui-lian, said: "When the mangos arrive at the market we have a common distribution system, where the fruit is graded by machine and weighed to ensure each piece of fruit meets the required standards. The mangos are then hand selected, graded by color and packed.” The farmer’s association director-general conceived the idea of opening an icehouse, where the entire mango process could be seen from beginning to end.

The icehouse allows customers to see the mango processing system, eat fresh mangoes, and of course take some fresh fruit back home. This year will see the creation of a second hall, which will serve hot meals. The citizen reporter encourages anyone with the opportunity of visiting Tainan to try out the mango ice. With extremely welcoming and warmhearted locals, you won’t want to leave!

PeoPo 公民新聞

Yuching Mango Icehouse (by CJ Ben)
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/98888




熱情小子 上冰館 ( 阿Ben )

盛夏有個好處,就是有又香又甜的芒果冰,讓人有幸福的感覺。有「芒果的故鄉」之稱的台南市玉井區,盛產芒果,有著濃濃人情味的市場風情,另外近年來有關單位積極推動芒果節活動,推出「熱情小子」為芒果冰館的代言人,台南市玉井區農會供銷部主任林水蓮表示,「芒果進到農會來,我們就作共同運銷,經過選果機的選果,然後磅秤,合格了就是往後面,經過人工的選擇,就是 色澤方面、分級包裝。」農會總幹事構想,開一家冰館,利用整個系列加工的工作,讓客人來到這邊 一方面可以看到共同運銷整個的流程,吃完芒果冰以外,還可以帶些鮮果回去。今年又創造第二館,有簡餐與熱食。公民記者報導,有機會到玉井時,不妨來吃個芒 果冰,在地人情味會讓您香在口、甜在心。





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