All Taiwanese are Lee,Ming-Che
新聞 稿 2017.4.17
鑑於李明哲被中共失蹤已近一月,尚不知生死,民間聲援也未見中共公開說明被失蹤理由,迫使台灣人進入中國大陸,都人人自危,懷有被失蹤的恐懼,所有的 台灣
因此台灣國辦公室創辦人王獻極往圓山飯店向舉辦「自由民主論壇」主辦單位,建議臨時改變議程,增加聲援「被失蹤李明哲事件」議題,以符合自由民主論壇 的宗
台灣國辦公室並準備中英文版﹙台灣人主權與自由需要您支持﹚發給與會代表,並將拜訪聯合國NGO執委會主席納茲,請就聯合國成立宗旨, 捍衛普世價值的人權,
連絡人:台灣國辦公室主任陳峻涵 0983-739622
Taiwanese Sovereignty and Freedom Need Your Support
Taiwan’s colonial history started in 1620’s when the Dutch colonized the south and Spanish the north. Since then, Taiwan has been continuously
colonized by various foreign powers, including the Zheng exiled government of Ming Empire, the Qing Empire, the Japanese Empire, and currently
the exiled Republic of China government.
The current Taiwanese sovereignty issue started with Chiang Kai-shek’s occupation of Taiwan in 1945 after World War II. The Chiang Kai-shek’s
army of China was supposed to accept the Japanese Imperial Army’s surrender on behalf of the Allied Forces only. Instead, it occupied Taiwan,
imposed Chinese constitution and martial law on Taiwan, and made Taiwan a province of China. Taiwan thus was deprived the right to become an
independent nation along with other Japanese colonies, such as Korea and Vietnam.
The above distorted status of Taiwan as “a province of China” became a grave problem for the Taiwanese people when U.S. recognized People’s
Republic of China (PRC) government as the legal government of China in 1979. The PRC, which never for one day govern Taiwan, since then has been
using the switch of the recognition as an excuse to force the U.S. and the world to treat Taiwan as a breakaway province of China and
threatening to subjugate Taiwan with force.
Taiwanese people along with all nations of the world have the right to determine our own future and build our own nation state. To exercise this
right Taiwanese will enact a referendum law free from foreign interventions, and through which to vote on a new constitution to replace the
Chinese constitution imposed by Chiang Kai-Shek. However, this right has been threatened militarily by China, and largely ignored by the U.S.,
the Allies leader in WWII, for fear of angering militant China.
Our freedom to choose as well as our right to sovereignty is at stake. We seek your sympathy and support. You can show you support by passing
this message to your friends and your government, and urging your government and statesmen in your country for their support in the
international arena.
Thank you very much.
The Taiwanese Republic
A Taiwan NGO