
2017 PeoPo Citizen Journalism Symposium (Session one)--Recollections and Reflections--The Development of Citizen Journalism in Taiwan over the past Decade.

2017/05/09 17:20
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2017 PeoPo Citizen Journalism Symposium (Session one)

Recollections and Reflections

The Development of Citizen Journalism in Taiwan over the past Decade.

Established exactly a decade ago in April 2007, PeoPo Citizen Journalism Platform is proud to announce its 10-year anniversary, an important milestone for both the PeoPo platform and citizen journalism. To mark this grand occasion, PeoPo recently organized the 2017 PeoPo Citizen Journalism Symposium, inviting professionals, scholars and citizen journalists to discuss the development of citizen journalism in Taiwan.

The 2017 PeoPo Citizen Journalism Symposium covered four main topics including Recollections and Reflections: The Development of Citizen Journalism in Taiwan over a Decade; Citizen Journalism and Citizen Journalists; Citizen Journalism in the Community, Campus, and Non-profit Organizations; and The Future of Citizen Journalism over the next Decade. Citizen journalists from around the country attended the symposium, conscientiously recording the day’s proceedings and sharing ideas. At the event, PTS President, Wen-Chieh Tsao, encouraged all aspiring citizen journalists to have confidence in their work and not be disheartened by perceived technological barriers in video production.

It is our sincere hope that through events just like this year's PeoPo Citizen Journalism Symposium, where people from all walks of life can gather to exchange and discuss ideas, citizen journalism will continue to take root and be the voice for communities throughout Taiwan in the coming decade. 




回顧與省思 台灣公民新聞的十年發展



2017公民新聞研討會,共有四個主題,包括「回顧與省思:台灣公民新聞的十年發展」、「公民新聞與公民記者」、「社區、學校、非營利組織的公民新聞」、「台灣公民新聞的未來 10 年」為主題。許多公民記者從各地前來參與研討會,他們認真記錄聆聽,並且交流分享意見,公視總經理曹文傑也鼓勵公民記者,不要因為影音拍攝技術障礙,退卻自己報導的信心。各界對公民新聞有興趣的朋友,在研討會現場,互相交流討論,也期許未來十年,公民新聞繼續在台灣紮根,為在地發聲。 





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