
20 years of hard work in creating the Calcutta Indian food in Taipei city

2010/07/29 12:28
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PeoPo推 4

Located here in Ximen in Chengdu road is the Calcutta Indian food restaurant. After 20 years of hard work and full ambition, the place began to be recognized to everyone ne in Taipei city.

Peter Tseng; owner and chef of the place agreed to have an interview on Monday, 5:00 in the evening. His nationality is Indian overseas Chinese and was born in Calcutta (originally named Kolkata).Peter lives now with a wife and children happily in Taipei city.

Many would ask why of all places he decided to open the restaurant in Taiwan. He stated that he came to work in Taipei to earn more money and also because he had relatives here as well. It’s hard back than in the past to earn money in India, so many parents would educate their kids and encourage them to study aboard and have more experiences in their future.



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北峰論壇 (未驗證) ・ 2010/07/31 20:17

Please post this interesting story on CNN to let more foreigners know about Taiwan. thanks in advance.