
線上賽 SudokuCup

2008/12/08 22:38
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又有 Sudoku 的線上賽, 這次的時間是在明年1月17日, 有興趣的 Sudoku 玩家記得來參一腳啊!!

SudokuCup 是捷克所辦理的數獨線上賽。別以為Sudoku 擅長的人只有日本和美國, 第一屆World Sudoku Championship 的冠軍就是個捷克女生Jana Tylová。



The sudoku club Kabr?áci and S?HAK (the Czech Puzzlers and Crossworders Union) are to announce the unique online "sudokucup" tournament consisting of popular sudoku puzzles. In the tournament you can compare your results to the results of players all over the world.

he sudokucup enables all sudoku players to play top puzzles in competition conditions without leaving home.
The principle of the tournament is simple:

1. From November you can download a booklet that will contain similar assignments as those in the tournament.

2. From early January you can download PDF assignments file secured with a password.

3. On 17th January 2009 there will be opened access to the password by which you can open and print the tournament assignments. It will be open for 24 hours.

4. You will be given certain number of points for the solution sent in 2 hours from lifting the password (the solution sent later won’t be taken into account).

The results will be evaluated shortly after the tournament close.
The big advantage of the sudokucup tournament is the fact it is open to all players from the whole world, not only from the Czech Republic.

Register now and you will be given a notice the booklet is disposable.(以上是從網站上抄下來的說明)

基本上SudokuCup 的進行方式有點類似德國的 Sudoku 線上賽。它的比賽在1/17展開, 24小時內你都可以輸入答案。所以不像 Google & US Puzzle Championship 要半夜一點準時爬起來, 在違背你生理時鐘的方式下解題。你可擦擦口紅, 塗塗眼景, 再上個粉, 穿上蕾絲邊的洋裝, 裝扮完成後再優雅地開始比賽。(我倒底在寫什麼啊我…)

但你只有兩個小時回答問題, 當你按下取得解檔密碼的同時, 倒數計時也正式宣告開始, 網站已經明說了 – 超過兩小時後輸入的答案不計分。

來吧, 兄弟姐妹們, 讓我們的國號遍及捷克的排名榜吧!!

SudokuCup 網站


說明檔 Booklet

說明檔 Booklet 的解答

註: Booklet 可以下載了, 大部分都是我們所熟知的變體。當然, 也有一些很特別的, 像是將Kakuro 和Sudoku 合併的【Sudo-kuro】, 還有規則很特別的【Pairs】。最詭異的是居然有一題什麼也沒說明, 只寫了一個大大的 Surprise!!

有種很不好的預感, 可能會有變態題目出現。



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