來自西班牙的Joseba,是一位單車環球騎士,兩年前從家鄉出發,騎過伊朗、巴基斯坦、新疆、蒙古、印度、斯里蘭卡、泰國、寮國等等地國家,上一站從日本大阪來到台灣,打算用兩個禮拜的時間騎乘台灣。 Joseba: Hello, I am Joseba and I come from Spain and I am biking around the world. So far, I am enjoying so many countries, almost 20,000 kilometers. Joseba: 哈囉!我是Joseba,我來自西班牙,我騎單車環遊世界,到目前為止我騎過很多國家,幾乎快二萬公里了。 Vicky(林存青): 他是我一個日本朋友說他的西班牙朋友要來台灣,他簡單的說他花了兩年從伊朗騎過來,我想說這個人也吃了那麼多苦頭,走南亞都是很辛苦的,他講的地名全部是什麼巴基斯坦,什麼斯坦, 什麼斯坦,很多地方我們台灣人可能聽都沒聽過,他來台灣想買一台二手車,騎完再賣掉,因為我有看他的部落格,最重要的是他有記錄,一個有記錄的人,其實都是一直很誠實在面對自己的旅程,那我看確實也是真的走了很多辛苦的路,也許他來台灣的時候,我們可以給他騎比較好的腳踏車,幫他借一台比較好的腳踏車,讓他輕鬆上路。 Vicky: I think Taichung will be the most unforgettable place for you in Taiwan. So Taichung is your home. You can always come back. There are many different mountains. Everytime you can have different mountain trips. And maybe Next time come with your girlfriend, then next time you come with your family, next next time come with your children. You know, i think before 400 years ago Spanish have been to Taiwan, before Dutch. So your grand grand parents already come back, come by boat. Hope you discover the beauty of Taiwan. Vicky(林存青): 我想台中會是你台灣最難忘的地方,所以台中是你的家,你可以常常回來,這裡有很多不同的山,你可以爬很多不同的山,下次跟你的女朋友和家人來,再下次和你的孩子來。 四百年前,西班牙人比荷蘭人更早來到台灣,所以你的曾曾曾祖父早就搭船回去了,希望你探索美麗的台灣。
I wanted to visit this beautiful place and if possible, by biking. Thanks to Vicky’s friends. I got this bicycle, this Jango bicycle, and i’m about to start my journey here in Taiwan for two weeks. Yeah, hopefully it will be good weather. im sure there will be good journey, good landscape, good people. Hopefully i will enjoy the east coast and then twelve days I will come back hereto Taichung.
PeoPo 討論區
或 1919 食物銀行ㄉ行程
Come on! Friends
Joseba 11/26(五)已經回到台中南屯了~~
Go! Go! Go !Mr'Josedba
Go! Go! Go! Mr'Joseba。