
(菲行記錄3)無錢葬亡母 窮婦嘆:求助無門

2012/08/03 00:27
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PeoPo推 9





No Money to Bury Her Mom. Poor Woman Cried: Nowhere to Turn



Due to the Philippine economic depression,
many poor people are unable to improve their standard of living, to the extent
that when family members died, they cannot afford a burial. They are seeking
help from the government who keep on refering them to other agency or



When we are interviewing those sidewalk vendors, a woman holding a little boy came over and they waited silently until the end of our interview. She requsted to be interview. We told her that we came from taiwan and we can do nothing to help. She said, she has something important to say and we decided to accept her request.


拿出一疊文件,婦人說,她住在通多區(SQUATTER AREA OF DON
BOSCO, TONDO MANILA) 因為沒有錢安葬過世的媽媽,需要P6500,還不足P3000,找政府單位協助卻互踢皮球不肯幫忙。

The woman showed us her documents and she
said, I don’t have enough money to bury my dead mother. I went to government
agencies for help but they keep on pushing me away.


(訪問 )

Maritess Laplano我需要三千元幫助安葬我的母親,因為錢不夠,SOL(殯儀公司名稱)不願意幫忙,所以我只好去找市政府,市政府叫我去找DSWD(社會福利發展部),DSWD審查沒有通過,DSWD叫我拿三張文件給SOL,可是SOL不接受DSWD給的這三張張文件,所以我請求幫助安葬我的母親。

(Interview) Maritess Laplano says:

I’m in urgent need of P3000 to bury my dead

SOL refused to help, because my money is
not enough to pay for the funeral, I have no other choice but to go to the city
hall for their assistance, they told me to go to the DSWD instead. DSWD did not
approve my application, they gave me 3 documents and asked me to return to SOL.
But SOL won’t accept these 3 documents.

I hope someone can help me so that I can
bury my mother.



Maritess Laplano媽媽46歲,因為腸胃癌過世,在醫院化療時我們要求醫院給媽媽氧氣,媽媽無法進食,因為沒錢給醫院,只好把媽媽接回家,在家裡過世了。

Maritess Laplano says:

My 46 years old mother died of intestine

When she’s having chemo, I requested to put
oxygen on her but she still can’t eat at all. I cannot afford hospital bills
anymore, so I decided to bring her home. She died at home.



The woman is 36 years old and for a living,
she usually picks up recycled goods for sell or beg money (ask for alms). 

We asked her, where is your husband? She
replied, he abandoned me.



With only a few blurred photocopies of
documents, we cannot verify whether this incident is true or not, because we
need to catch up the plane, but no matter what, the Philippine government
should look into this matter seriously and settle this problem properly. 




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小尖兵 (未驗證) ・ 2012/08/08 19:04

In reply to by 傑利 (未驗證)


藍天採訪組 (未驗證) ・ 2012/08/08 00:46

In reply to by Erick (未驗證)

婦人說,她經常在Sta. Cruz Church門口,我是在這裡遇見她。

Erick (未驗證) ・ 2012/08/05 22:56

if i can be sent the original video so i can listen exactly what she said...it would be of big help in verifying the truth of her claim