

2019/02/01 10:37
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薩塞克斯公爵夫人梅根 (Duchess of Sussex) 於18年5月與哈利王子結婚,並在今年陸續接收王室工作。由於英國王室熱於慈善工作,每位王室成員都會成為某些慈善機構的贊助人以進行更高效的合作。今日(31日),梅根在倫敦大學城市學院亮相,出席在成為大英國協大學協會贊助人後的第一次公開活動。大英國協大學協會擁有來自全球各地共500多間教育相關組織的成員。其宗旨為“提昇國際在高等教育上的合作與共識,並提供更廣泛的服務和所需要的設施。”梅根於今年一月初接手伊莉莎白女王擔任協會的贊助人一職。 由於梅根本身在大學的時候也因為得到獎學金的幫助,才能順利完成學業。她更能夠體會到高等教育的重要性。




記者 倫敦 報導


Duchess of Sussex made an appearance today at City, University of London for Her Royal Highness' first official engagement as a Royal patron of the Association of the Commonwealth Universities (ACU).


City is one of the 500 member institutions of the association and it is dedicated to building a better world through the promotion of higher education.


The patronage has been passed on to Meghan by the Queen earlier this month and Dr Joanna Newman, The Chief Executive and Secretary General of the ACU, said: “The Duchess shares our passion for the transformational power of higher education, and Her Royal Highness’s support will help champion higher education as a force for good in the Commonwealth and beyond.”


Hundreds of people gathered around outside the institution, hoping to catch a glimpse of the duchess. During Her Royal Highness' visit, the Duchess met with academics from across the ACU’s network and chatted with students from the Commonwealth who are now studying in the UK and for whom access to university has transformed their lives.




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