
PeoPo Daily News is One Year Old

2010/05/10 14:03
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PeoPo Daily News is One Year Old    

Witnessing the Enthusiasm and Vigor of Taiwan

PeoPo, which was established in 2007, set three main values as its core foundation, ‘grassroots, penetrating and voice out’, important values that were hoped would encourage citizen journalists, and they have done just that - the number now surpassing 3600. At the tail end of April 2009, with the hope of spreading the concept of citizen journalism further still, PTS channel launched the distinctive PeoPo Daily News.


PeoPo Daily News is a program that has emerged from the on-line news platform, giving non-internet users the opportunity to watch citizen news.  PeoPo Daily News is a full one year old, and although only a short couple of minutes daily, however it creates a window for viewers to see the enthusiasm and vigor of Taiwan.  The presenter interviews citizen journalists via telephone, allowing the true opinions of citizen journalists regarding various topics under discussion to emerge.


The topic of environmental ecology, the recording of Art and Culture, concern for vulnerable communities, introspection on the development of agriculture, making known regional problems etc are all commonly touched upon in the program’s material, everyday people with everyday stories, however all reflecting the true essence of Taiwan. In fact, in the time of 2009’s Typhoon Morakot, this program had a full two months of recorded observations from citizen journalists, reporting on the latest calamities, and voicing out local thoughts and feelings.  It is almost 9 months since Typhoon Morakot, and rare to see any coverage of post-Morakot related reports in the media, however our program is still selecting related stories weekly, maintaining concern.


The first year, as far as a program is concerned, is an extremely important milestone.  Reaching 1 year is a great accomplishment for citizen journalism and also a springboard to achieve even more in the future.  We also hope that through this program even more people will see the strength of citizen journalists’ reports and bring together even more people who have the same concern for our land and nation.


Happy 1st Birthday ‘PeoPo Daily News’!









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