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時間:2017年9月7日 晚上18:30~21:30


劉曉波 ― 中國人權運動者、《零八憲章》的主要起草人之一,2010年獲頒諾貝爾和平獎,2008 年起草要求保障基本 人
權、反對一黨專政的零八憲章後,隨遭中國官方逮捕,2009 年被以「煽動顛覆國家政權罪」定罪判刑,2017年 6月確診肝
癌晚期而獲准在與外界隔離下保外就醫,7月過世於瀋陽,骨灰後被中國當局撒入海中,終年61 歲。

劉曉波是中國惡劣人權環境之下的犧牲者,但他絕非單一個案。在中國仍有許多因維權、與政府持不同意見、或單純 為維
護自身權益的人們,其人身自由正受到侵害。如2015 年開始的709 大抓捕造成維權律師和相關人士持續被失 蹤、被判刑
、監視居住;劉曉波的妻子劉霞同樣為專制政府的受害者,她在劉曉波生前遭官方軟禁,在劉曉波過 世後失聯至今。然而
不只中國,亞洲整體的人權狀況普遍不甚理想,許多國家仍不斷發生有人因言獲罪甚至失去 性命之事。

今年為解嚴30周年的民主臺灣,此一活動更顯其重要性。劉曉波在零八憲章內要求刪除「煽動顛覆國家政權罪」,此 刑法
對臺灣人而言並不陌生,除臺灣公民李明哲今年初也遭中國官方以顛覆國家政權罪名逮捕之外,在臺灣戒嚴 的三十年間,

為緬懷劉曉波對民主人權之犧牲與貢獻,並喚醒臺灣公民社會對中國及亞洲人權運動者的聲援,臺灣民主基金會於 2017年
9月7日在蔡瑞月舞蹈研究社舉辦「在臺灣遇見劉曉波」紀念晚會,也響應美國國家民主基金會( National Endowment for
Democracy, NED) 對劉曉波的紀念活動。

「在臺灣遇見劉曉波」代表民主人權的精神無所不在,可以在臺灣、亞洲或是世界上任何地方。本活動將邀請NGOs、 學界
、藝文界、政黨、青年等各界代表與會,以演講、音樂、舞蹈、詩歌朗誦等多元的方式,擴大臺灣社會對亞 洲民主人權的


雖然劉曉波已逝世,但他的精神永遠不滅。臺灣民主基金會邀請大家運用本會製作的劉曉波卡,發揮創意拍攝自由的 劉曉
波可能去哪裡,做些甚麼?即使是日常生活中平淡無奇的小事,在國家威權壓迫下都是可貴的自由。上傳有劉 曉波卡的照
片到您個人的臉書後,tag活動在臺灣遇見劉曉波 Encountering Liu Xiaobo in Taiwan,hastag #劉 曉波一直都在


主辦單位 | 臺灣民主基金會
合辦單位 | 蔡瑞月舞蹈研究社、
台灣人權促進會 Taiwan Association for Human Rights、
人權公約施行監督聯盟Covenants Watch、


https://www.youtube.com/playlist? list=PLzRVoj6_5W4vPrLZujcQLHD7P1963I9Wf




“Encountering Liu Xiaobo in Taiwan”

Liu Xiaobo - Chinese human rights activist, leading signatory of Charter 08 and the Nobel Peace Prize
laureate in 2010. Soon after authoring Charter 08 in 2008, a manifesto petitions for the protection of
human rights and against one-party authoritarianism, Liu was arrested by the Chinese authorities and
sentenced to 11 years of imprisonment in 2009 for “inciting subversion of state power.”

In June 2017, Liu was granted medical parole for his terminal liver cancer - during which he was still not
allowed to be in contact with the outside world - and passed away in July at the age of 61. Liu’s ashes
were scattered at sea at the Chinese government’s order.

Liu’s case was conspicuous but certainly not the only case of serious human rights violations in China’s
deteriorating human rights environment. Many in China are still struggling to fight for rights of their
own and of others under a regime that wields arbitrary and absolute power over its citizens’ rights and

For example, the 709 crackdown, the purge that started on July 9th, 2015, saw scores of Chinese rights
lawyers, activists and legal assistants to forced disappearance, arrested, jailed and tortured. Liu Xia,
Liu Xiaobo’s wife, is also no stranger to Beijing’s repressive tactics. She had been put under house
arrest for all the time that her husband was in jail, and her whereabouts is still unknown since Liu
Xiaobo’s sea burial.

China is not the only country with harrowing human rights record in the region. We continue to see
individuals indicted or even lose their lives due to their activism and dissent in Asia.

To commemorate Liu Xiaobo and to demonstrate support for Asian human rights and democracy activists, the
Taiwan Foundation for Democracy is holding a commemorative event, “Encountering Liu Xiaobo in Taiwan,”
on September 7th, 2017 (Thu) at Tsai Jui-yueh Dance Research Institute. The event is also to echo the US’
s National Endowment for Democracy’s commemorative event for Liu on the same date in the US.

“Encountering Liu Xiaobo in Taiwan,” aims to highlight that Liu’s democratic spirit is EVERYWHERE. Such
spirit could be in Taiwan, in Asia or any corner of the world. The commemoration invites NGOs, academics,
poets, journalists, politicians and youth representatives to come together to call on Taiwanese society to
be more attentive to and to show solidarity with Asia’s democracy and human rights developments by dance,
music, short speeches and poem recitation.

Liu Xiaobo has passed on. His spirit is now freed from the authoritarian shackles, and his devotion for
democracy will lived on.

The Taiwan Foundation for Democracy invites all of you to take photos of/with the Liu Xiaobo card provided
by TFD and check-in on your choice of social media in show of solidarity and to demonstrate Liu Xiaobo is
now everywhere. #LiuXiaoboIsEverywhere

Join our initiative and upload your photo with the Liu Xiaobo card onto your Facebook page, tag our event
在臺灣遇見劉曉波 Encountering Liu Xiaobo in Taiwan and use hashtags, #劉曉波一直都在,


Tsai Jui-yueh Dance Research Institute Cafe 跳舞咖啡廳
No. 10, Lane 48, Section 2, Zhongshan North Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City, 104

Event Organizer
Taiwan Foundation for Democracy

Event Co-organizers
Tsai Jui-yueh Dance Research Institute, Taiwan Association for Human Rights, Covenants Watch, New School
for Democracy (to be updated)


PeoPo 討論區


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加入時間: 2011.04.18


加入時間: 2011.04.18





