Catholic Church Taichung Diocese Archbishop Mr. Su Yao-Wen hosts "Prayer for Taiwan's Ecosystem"

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Religious Organizations teams up with Environmental Groups to protect Chung-Hwa Coastal Wetland
Catholic Church Taichung Diocese Archbishop Mr. Su Yao-Wen hosts "Prayer for Taiwan's Ecosystem"

News Article

Since the beginning of this year, Taiwan Academy of Ecology and Catholic Church groups have gradually begun promoting so-called "Eco-Gospel" drives.  "Eco-Gospel" is based on the Catholic Church's belief that "The Good Lord created Heaven & Earth and the degradation of the environment is the direct result of mankind's decision to abandon nature and God.  Spreading the Holy Word is in essence spreading 'God's leniency and grace' and 'The Earth's flawless creation by God'".  Thus through external "education", the "Eco-Gospel" initiative aims to rebuild the relationship between man and nature as well as to cultivate kindness and ethical actions towards the environment. 

The Catholic Church wishes to elevate the care-for-life awareness through initiatives to care for the environment; thus protecting all beings on earth.  This also coincides with the message by Pope Benedict XVI in his holiness's New Year address titled "World Day of Peace 2010" in which he said "If You Want to Cultivate Peace, Protect Creation" and called on humankind to respect the nature and safeguard the universe if we wish to maintain and sustain world peace.

In order to enlist more non-environmental groups to "Protect Chung-Hwa Coastal Wetland", Taiwan Academy of Ecology and Catholic Church's Taichung Diocese have partnered with Buddhist Chinese Studies for Beginners, Tien-Ma Cavalry, Chung-Hwa Environmental Protection League, Wang Gong-Ke Art & Cultural Association and Providence University's Woodpacker Environmental Team to collectively host the "2010 Protect Chung-Hwa Coastal Wetland - 88 Cycling Carnival".  Event will be held August 8th and hosted by Archbishop Su-Yao-Wen in which he will offer prayers for Taiwan's Ecology.  Participants will also commit to the following environmental declaration:

"Wetlands are environments rich in bio-diversity with high ecological yield and production potential.  Protecting wetlands to regulate climate change is an universally adopted principle and an international trend.  We strongly denounce the 8th Guo-Guang PetroChemical plant and Er-Lin Science Park's industrial development in this area and we call on the government to designate Chung-Hwa Coastal Wetland as a vital wetland area of international proportions."

The hosting organization, supporting organizations and sponsors of this event are all referred to as "Fresh faces, New Organizations" in external literature and media.  The objective is to attract and commit more groups deemed "non-environmental groups" to participate.

As religious organizations, environmental groups and other sectors pitch in efforts to raise awareness, the government should reflect on the current state of environmental accountability and execute strategies and plans for optimized organization of state-owned land; by extension protecting our forestry and ocean.  People of Taiwan want nothing more than the atrocities of the past to stay in the past; and hope that their government do whatever is necessary to ensure sustainable development by instilling hope and passing on a pristine land for future inhibitants.


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加入時間: 2010.02.28


加入時間: 2010.02.28



Catholic Church Taichung Diocese Archbishop Mr. Su Yao-Wen hosts "Prayer for Taiwan's Ecosystem"



